Tue 28 July 2020

Some weeks ago I finished a online course about C++. I've already programmed in the language but I decided to take the course to refresh my skills and have some projects in my portfolio.
I wrote this article to consolidate my memory and try to explain to myself one of …
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Sun 26 January 2020
These days I was writing a solution for a challenge in the HackerRank and I
ended up writing a algorithm to walk through a tree structure. Nothing too special
but I decided to white an article about the algorithms we can use.

There are many types of tree out there …
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Thu 28 November 2019
Recentemente comecei a fazer parte do programa de embaixadores da Open Knowledge Brasil (OKBR). Como minha primeira contribuição, comecei adicionar novos spiders no diario-oficial. Esse repositório possui diversos spiders para a raspagem de dados dos diários oficiais de cada município brasileiro. Como sou de Santa Catarina, decidi inicial
com as …
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Tue 10 January 2017
I'm happy vim user for a while now. After learned the basics I started customize
the editor to my needs/preferences and for a long time everything were well. I
did not face anything that I could not do and this is still true. However, when
I became a more …
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Thu 28 January 2016
This post will demonstrate one of many cool features available in Git, partial commit. This feature allows add just
some hunk of a file leaving other ones for future commit.
Let's suppose in a project there is the following source code:
#include <stdio.h>
void foo(void);
void bar(int …
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Thu 26 November 2015
Some time ago I bought the The Linux Programming Interface book, one of the best books I have acquired.
One of the first chapters I read were about memory allocation. At the end of the chapter, author offers some exercises
to the reader. Among them there is a challenging one …
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Tue 22 September 2015
Some weeks ago I had to customize the Docker to integrate it with some libraries written and C.
Maybe you already know Docker is written in Go language and to do this task was used cgo
Cgo enables integrate Go code with C. It shows itself easier and smooth comparing …
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Sat 15 February 2014
Today my colleague almost lost everything that he did during 4 days! Because a wrong git command he dropped his changes saved on stash.
After this sad episode we looked for a way to try to recover as least part of his work... and we did it!
First of all …
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Fri 24 January 2014
While I have not decided what it will be my first post about development stuff I'll post the text that me and my friend wrote to the The Document Foundation's blog. In that text we talked about out trip to LibreOffice hackfest in freiburg.
From Brazil to Germany, an Unforgettable …
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